Thursday, December 30, 2010

Chinese Lactose Intolerance

Happy 2011 to ALL!

Friday, December 24, 2010

The creative process (I).

There are two stages in the development or production of a painting: the planning and first ejecución.La usually last as long or longer than segunda.Cuando runs a picture, giving you carry around in my head at the same time all the other mental occupations permiten.No you there hesitate to "waste as much time as needed" when planning how you will paint a motivo.Esto seems to go against the idea of \u200b\u200bthe painter who is carried away by a momentary burst of inspiration (perhaps this is for genius.)
A picture may take more or less time in the making, but in any case not without a process of reflection before, during and even after taking it for concluido.En the film "The Dream of Light", Antonio Lopez admits a painting is never finished, always in process, although the operator who dictates when you leave, and I say, "always and forever unfinished, perhaps because the gap between planned and executed.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Who Can Send Me An Invitation Letter To Kosovo

Ezcabarte Valley (Navarra).

This is a landscape of Castilla I found a photograph of an encyclopedia on España.La picture is a bit small, but I'm interested in different levels that shape the landscape in outlook and appearance of polygonal and polychromatic sembrados.Ya different approach I have the first formal and chromatic.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Recipe For Snicker Apple Salad

Merry Christmas to All!

Merry Christmas to All!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Opening Prayer For Programs

A sneak preview of Bad Dog # 4

A sneak preview of Bad Dog # 4, It is finished and I'm pulling the number 5!! I love these characters!

How To Install Mikom Web Cam With Disc

3 of Little or Nothing, Salio

I leave two of the last pages published in the journal alive and a link to a note that I realize Andrés Valenzuela for the Web. Do Clickie here!

Week 40 Period Like Cramps

2pagina + 1 Note the new!

This every time I draw for the top two big men character created by Quique Alcatena, Messrs. Dugong and Manatee. For more info stop by the website For more info

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ketoconazole How Long To Work

Pont Alexandre III.

again turn to the pictures I took of this case is París.En de una vista parcial del puente con las dos torres que hay a la entrada del mismo.Era un día de primeros de marzo con nubes y claros, de repentinas lluvias.El Sena viaja brioso y turbio.Las vistas de la ciudad desde el río ofrecen una ciudad señorial, monumental, de arquitecturas elegantes y equilibradas.

Bueno, el cuadro está iniciado, a ver como lo acabo.

Ya está el cielo pintado(azul ultramar claro, azul cobalto, laca, tierra siena tostada, blanco de titanio, violeta permanente).Pincel plano de cerda nº 12 y 6.Inicié la zona de cielo y luego las zonas más oscuras de las nubes hasta finalizar con casi blanco.Errores: creo que he abusado del aceite flaxseed, too bright pintura.Creo layer that had to be contrasted more clouds, I have gone a little fluffy.

I noticed that the horizon is too centered in the frame, should take five to six cm. river, which will take a role that was not looking, and it will be critical in the outcome of the picture.

bridge I had to delete two or three times, gave no color with exacto.Luego those lines so close together that little job I cuestan.Siendo a key element should be better.

This picture is making me suffer more than necessary.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ten Sports Wweraw Watch

Filomeno, I pesar.Gonzalo Torrente Ballester.

Excellent first-person novel that chronicles the vicissitudes of Filomeno Freijomil during a stage of life (coinciding with notorious events of the twentieth century history, such as the Second World War and the war English civil).
fluido.Destila a lively style and humor, a smile on the reader in the narrative and description of some secuencias.Pero, above all, lots of literary quality.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

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L'Institut de France and Pont des Arts. Notre Damme

A boat trip along the Seine appeared this dome before crossing under the bridge.

I have the pencil sketch, then to make the first layer aguarrasada with an old brush and dragged hard graphite pencil contornos.Al outlining the same time, giving an initial assessment tonal.Ahora see the flashlight I have to flatten slightly.

My intention is to finish the painting in one sitting, working quickly.

Today I continued the cuadro.Primero the sky (clear ultramarine blue, indigo, lac, titanium white), I have been very dark, there was no contrast to the dome, in the end I decided to remove it with turpentine. I followed with the architecture (Cadmium yellow, yellow ocher, lacquer, ultramarine blue, permanent violet, white titanium) I've worked a lot faster this area covering the planes and contours that are not outlined in negro.Me looked like that efecto.He more colorful effect that dwell on the color used detalles.He almost straight tube, and I restrgado with an old brush hair duro.Conclusión: I found an interesting method to architectural structures, but that does not fit plans are not limited as mares.Este heavens or method could be interesting in painting frutas.tiene the advantage that the drawing is not, quite the opposite is enhanced giving the appearance naive painting, where color takes center stage without losing lines.
I have painted the sky cadmium yellow, dark yellow ocher, red ocher, a pinch of white lacquer and titanio.Creo that there is more harmony of color, contrast complementary in this case.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cervical Mucus Before A Period


construction process and vault JOIST SLAB

This system constructive has the advantage of building slabs without Cimbrian that to support the arches into the joists entire surface is covered.

The joists are supported on walls or beams, bracing temporarily.

The items light are the arches resting on the joists, lighten the slab and serve formwork to concrete cast on site.

A mesh layer electro welded extends throughout the slab, on elements light to serve as reinforcement against temperature effects as compression layer.

The slab is integrated into the structure the walls and castles through specific channels (channels enclosure) that slip on the walls the perimeter.

On this particular school whole to fill the veins and form a compression layer on light elements (with a minimum thickness of three centimeters).

SLAB STEPS TO BUILD A ceiling joist and vault:


braces are placed and support beams and leveling. and removed after 7 days of strained layer compression. poles are placed 4 "x 4" each 1.50m and beams of the same section each 1.60m to serve as provisional support to the joists.


Place joists supported on the walls we have defined as Chargers our slab. joists manually placed boots on the walls. From wall boot placed the first joist . NOTE: It is recommended that compression strain layer beams with or chains enclosure. . The joists should be supported on the walls or at least elements loaders inches. For example if you have a clear free three meters more inches support on each wall, joist required must have 3.10m total length


slabs are placed at the ends of the beams to obtain the correct separation of these also facilitate the subsequent placement of other slabs in alignment.

STEP 4: PUT Cove

caring slabs are placed firmly seated and close together. placement also done manually.


After the vaults have been in place, hoses are placed for electrical installation. These put on the walls and bovedillas.Donde holes of output required for an outbreak that vault is removed, the installation gets to the output of focus, put under an arch and then you reinforce it with small rods or mesh the hole and then just puts his cast concreto.Asi also carried out the hydraulic and necessary health.


short is presented and the required size and tied with wire annealing top rod of the joists and chains enclosure. NOTE: layers 3 to 4 cm wire mesh is recommended - welded 66x10x10 and 5 cm layers of welded wire mesh 66x8x8. The welded wire mesh on the floor is cut to size, later climbs the slab under construction and tied with wire annealed to the upper rod joists and chains enclosure.


holes are plugged at the ends of the slabs and / or those that have been cropped to fit the clear. It perfectly wet joists and slabs and cast of 3 to 5 cm of concrete according to the mesh. It recommended to wet the arches to get greater adhesion with the compression layer. The concrete must have a minimum strength of F ° C = 200 kg/cm2. This step of the casting layer compression layer (concrete) should be performed in a single operation.

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---------------------------------- RESOLVED EXAMPLES OF PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOIL:



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slab construction process of beam and vault, construction of beam and vault slab, slab joist and vault, beam and vault ceiling, beam and vault

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pinnacle Tv Center Windows 7 Problem

from the Seine

View Notre Damme from Sena.Es impressive architecture of the cathedral with its arbotantes.Ya is raised theme: the cathedral as the centerpiece, the sky has a key role (occupies half the canvas), the trees, the buttress of the river, the river itself. Method
continued to paint the sky: (colors: titanium white, ultramarine blue clear lacquer Garanza, permanent violet). With first I painted blue patch of sky visible, adding lacquer have been covering the grayish areas, and finally the white areas of the nubes.he covered the entire sky, and then I've been qualifying and shaping the clouds all with the same brush bristle plano.La previous idea I had was to merge the contours with a clean brush, but in the end I have not taken that paso.Sin look, I have found little effect and plastic volume clouds, which underscore the monumentality of the cathedral.

tried to get a little gray, adding a touch of ivory black, but gives a color-white, gray aratonado inappropriate.

Cathedral: I've given another layer without oil, natural shade with soil, earth raw sienna and white lacquer. It is painted
the catedral.Ha been laborious because of the complexity of elements arquitectónicos.También I painted the wall of río.Solo lack the same river, which is like closing the circle, has to harmonize with heaven, but it is a river Sewage: There tierra.Dilema tones.
I painted the river twice, twice as I borrado.A the third has been more or less decente.La reference photo does not reflect well the colors, besides the Seine river water is sucias.He opted for a blue hue last photo is agrisado.La natural.Se light note .