Can I Connect Walkie Talkie In Computer
Lorena Avall
My artistic training part from the dramatic arts began in the year 97 to year 2006, which gave me the art of desididamente Performance. For reasons of traditional estrucutras work outside and need for experimentation and creation free outside the constraints of structural aspects of being a part of theatrical art in our country. This need expressive, sensitive, intellectual and social commitment to the turn was the impetus to deal with a Bachelor degree program Cultural Management, found today on the latest materials and working on a thesis on the contemporary field of performance in Argentina. Is so that currently work in the field of performance from the management side and from the side of artistic production. With a strong membership in current inclusive, collaborative work and creativity from diversity. A clear example is HADE, Towards an Art of Meeting and other spaces generated and / or shared with artists from other disciplines as in the case of spoiled kids, art group which was part of three years. As for my work performance, constantly drink all disciplines and languages \u200b\u200bthat are useful for me to communicate and raise awareness, from the theater as language, music, literature, photography, cortomatraje the sound composition, various Internet resources. One of my strongest goals is to create or enhance awareness, about how one part of their social reality and how they operate the instituted and the instituting of this reality. And while it is powerful is also instituted in turn is a ghost that operates in the capacity numb instituting new forms of participation in each of us as living members and creators of society.
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