Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ketoconazole How Long To Work

Pont Alexandre III.

again turn to the pictures I took of this case is París.En de una vista parcial del puente con las dos torres que hay a la entrada del mismo.Era un día de primeros de marzo con nubes y claros, de repentinas lluvias.El Sena viaja brioso y turbio.Las vistas de la ciudad desde el río ofrecen una ciudad señorial, monumental, de arquitecturas elegantes y equilibradas.

Bueno, el cuadro está iniciado, a ver como lo acabo.

Ya está el cielo pintado(azul ultramar claro, azul cobalto, laca, tierra siena tostada, blanco de titanio, violeta permanente).Pincel plano de cerda nº 12 y 6.Inicié la zona de cielo y luego las zonas más oscuras de las nubes hasta finalizar con casi blanco.Errores: creo que he abusado del aceite flaxseed, too bright pintura.Creo layer that had to be contrasted more clouds, I have gone a little fluffy.

I noticed that the horizon is too centered in the frame, should take five to six cm. river, which will take a role that was not looking, and it will be critical in the outcome of the picture.

bridge I had to delete two or three times, gave no color with exacto.Luego those lines so close together that little job I cuestan.Siendo a key element should be better.

This picture is making me suffer more than necessary.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ten Sports Wweraw Watch

Filomeno, I pesar.Gonzalo Torrente Ballester.

Excellent first-person novel that chronicles the vicissitudes of Filomeno Freijomil during a stage of life (coinciding with notorious events of the twentieth century history, such as the Second World War and the war English civil).
fluido.Destila a lively style and humor, a smile on the reader in the narrative and description of some secuencias.Pero, above all, lots of literary quality.